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山口 克也 氏

Katsuya Yamaguchi





Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1963. Bachelor of Law from the University of Tokyo. MBA from Louisiana State University, USA. After working for Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., worked as Suita City Councilor. Together with Dr. Isao Ueno, Dr. Junichi Nishizawa, formulated measures against global warming at the Ecosystem Study Group. Proponent of "World Fossil Resource Managing Organization - World Green Corporation", "Bering Strait Dam", "Carbonization of plastic waste", and "Silver money". Director, Yamaguchi General Policy Research Institute Director, The UN Association of Japan Kansai Capital.


地球温暖化に対応するには、パリ協定だけでは十分でなく、世界の人々が納得できる持続可能な世界の形を、技術的、経済システム的に作り上げる必要がある。ここでは4つ、①地球温暖化を緩和・適応するための資金を作り出し、世界一律のカーボンプライシングを可能にする世界化石資源専売公社 ②北極発の地球温暖化を食い止めるためのベーリング海峡ダム ③有機廃棄物、特にプラスティックゴミを安定的に環境中に保存するための有機物炭化システム、そして④再生可能エネルギーを世界で共有するための世界的な送電ネットワークについて紹介する。


To cope with the global warming, Paris Agreement alone is not enough. It is necessary to create the form of a sustainable world that the people of the world can understand, technically and economically. In this session, I introduce you four important initiatives. One is Global Fossil Resources Monopoly Corporation that creates funds to mitigate and adapt to global warming and enables uniform global carbon pricing. Second is Bering Strait Dam to stop global warming from the Arctic. Third is an organic carbonization system to stably store organic waste, especially plastic waste, in the environment. Fourth is the global transmission network for sharing renewable energy in the world.